Monday, February 14, 2011

And she did it!

It has been six days since we started potty training, and I can say, with confidence, that our almost two year old is potty trained (during the day).  I figure we'll tackle the "over night" in another week or so.  She goes both #1 and #2 in her potty chair.  The first day wasn't bad, the second day was the hardest, and from there each day has gotten a lot easier.   She tells us when she needs to go to the bathroom now, and we take her.  I'm so proud of her.  I was torn about when to start the whole potty training thing.  I liked that I didn't have to worry about her needing to go potty in the middle of traffic, or trying to find a bathroom at the mall.  Both selfish reasons...I know.  The other side of me didn't want to change a toddlers poopy diaper!  When Tess started bringing me a diaper/wipe and would tell me when she went to the bathroom, I figured she was ready.  It wasn't planned, but last Tuesday I just decided not to put a diaper back on Tess, and the rest is history.

Reading a book in her cute little underpants

She now has too many pairs of underwear to count

When Tess goes to the bathroom in her potty chair, we give her M&M's or bubbles.