Sunday, July 18, 2010

The best part of my day...

One of the most beautiful things about being a mom is being able to share in moments like this. My two favorite people...I love you both so much!

Grandma's cookies....

This last week my mom came over from Wenatchee both to help with our crazy and stressful week and to celebrate my birthday. While she was here, she made her famous chocolate chip cookies. Just as soon as she made them, they were gone. Thank you so much mom for all of your help and for your cookies!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ahhhh, date night....

Every week I look forward to date night with Tim. For our date night this week, we had a picnic just up the street from our house. There is a beautiful park at the top, and it's one of our favorite spots.

This was our view...over looking Seattle and Lake Washington. I love the Pacific North West...especially on sunny days. There wasn't a cloud in the sky last night.
After we ate, we headed down to the pond for a walk. The pond is just boasting of wild flowers this time of the year. There are thousands of gorgeous flowers all along the trail. I have no idea what kind these are, but they reminded me of tropical flowers.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Keeping cool

This last week was so nice and very hot. Here's a picture of Tess playing in her pool. Earlier in the week I took her to the beach. She headed straight for the water...not realizing how deep it was. She had a ton of fun playing in all the water and loved every minute of it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank you all for your prayers

Just wanted to let everyone know how Tim is doing. He was discharged from the hospital early this morning. He was still having some trouble breathing, but was given medication for that. His fever FINALLY broke around 2am....praise the Lord. He's feeling better this afternoon. He's still on medication to keep his fever down, but all in all, he seems to be doing much better. Thank you again to everyone for all of your prayers and support! We are so blessed by all of you!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Playing in the Sun

This is a picture of Tim and I up at Ohme Gardens. I grew up in Wenatchee, and never once went to Ohme Gardens. Tim had never been either. We thought it was a perfect day on Saturday for our first visit.

Tessa playing in the pool at grandma and grandpa's right before her melt-down that lasted the rest of the day.
Grandma bought her this giraffe pool and she loved it...

Tess enjoying her first Popsicle

Happy 4th of July!

Our 4th of July didn't exactly go as we had planned this year. We left Friday for Wenatchee, planning to return home Monday. Tess was teething and extremely fussy most of the day Saturday. We decided to cut our losses and head home late Saturday night. Tim and I were able to go out on Saturday while Tess played with grandma. We enjoyed hiking through Ohme Gardens, eating lunch in the sun, and wine tasting. We had fun, but it was nice to get home and have Tess sleep in her own bed especially because she wasn't feeling good with her gums hurting so bad.

It was also nice coming home because we got to spend our 4th with some great friends! We spent the evening eating good food, watching fireworks, playing with the kiddos, laughing, and celebrating Shelly's birthday. We had a great time. Thank you Rian and Shelly for a fun evening! Happy Birthday Shelly!!

Tim, Tessa, Rian, and Lilly watching the fireworks

Cody, Haily on the far right getting ready for some more fireworks

Tessa and Lilly are just about the same age. They had fun watching the fireworks together.

The girls watching a cartoon just after dinner

Haily helping Tess find some toys