Monday, January 31, 2011

A busy week and weekend

What a fun weekend we had.  We spent Saturday morning at the Sportsman Show.  We watched a dog water competition, and Tess caught her first fish.  Saturday night we headed over to a friend's house for dinner.  Our friends have three little boys.  Tess had such a fun time playing with them, and she sure knows how to hold her own. 

My sweet girlfriend came to visit last week and brought me flowers.  Thank you Heidi...they are beautiful!  Gerber daisy's are my favorite.

It's been so fun working on crafts with Tess.  Here are her Valentines we worked on this morning.

Tim and I don't get into Valentines Day.  It's just not our thing.  So, this year, since I'm a MOPS table leader, I thought it would be fun to make Valentines for the mom's at my table. 

Tessa fishing with her daddy.  Way to get your fish on girl!!!

Tessa catching her first fish with mommy. 

Who needs the cookies when you can have the cookie dough...right.

Bath time was a great way to finish off a busy weekend.  Tess, your dad sure knows how to make your hair look pretty.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our afternoon playing at the park

The weather held up perfectly today for an outing to the park.  Taking walks with Tess has opened my eyes to all of the things I might otherwise pass right by.  She is so enchanted by all of the small rocks, leaves, sticks, dirt, bushes, and cracks in the sidewalk.  We walk for a minute or two then stop, bend down, and look at all of those tiny things I typically just walk right by.  Her favorite part about our park adventure today was the slide.  She went down the slide countless times this afternoon and loved every minute of it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A fun weekend with friends

This last week was spent mostly indoors due to the fact that we were all sick.  What I thought would be just a little cold turned into much more.  However, we all survived and are on the mend,  :-) 

Our wonderful friends, the Gordens, came over this weekend.  We took turns watching the kids and both couples got to go out for a bit.  Tess had so much fun with the kids. 

Tessa's "serious" face.

Popcorn and "Monsters vs Aliens"

Two peas in a pod


The girls having fun....Lily, Haily, and Tess


"Friends are forever"

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well, the Seahawks didn't win today, but we still had fun watching them.  There's always next year!

 A perfect food grazing day

We've taught her well....even Tess got into the game

Big Girl Bed

We've been talking about when we should transition Tess from her crib into a bed.  This Friday we decided to go for it.  So far, she's done great. 

 Not only does she enjoy sleeping in her big girl bed, she also loves to play on it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dress up

Having a little girl is so much fun for so many reasons. One reason....being able to play dress up. Tess enjoys putting on "pretend" makeup, she loves trying on shoes, and hats...she has too many to count.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Patience....what's that

Patience is definitely not one of my strong points. I was one of those kids who sat in the back seat asking "are we there yet?" over and over and over again. Twenty years later, not much has changed. So, when I face a challenge, an unknown answer, or a long car ride, I remind myself of this verse.

-Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him. Psalm 37:7

Don't get me wrong, I still struggle with patients especially when it comes to the unknowns. I do, however, find it much easier knowing that God is in control of whatever I'm waiting on. It's all about his timing...not mine.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A lazy morning

A lazy morning on a cold rainy day. I must say these two go hand in hand. I love lazy mornings, and we sure don't have many of them. Of course when we do, I'm all about soaking up every minute. This morning Tess and I stayed in bed drinking Tea and reading books.

Such a little girl she is.... From her dolls and tea parties to dressing up....she's 100% girl.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Two.....right around the corner

It's hard to believe my baby is no longer a baby. She's a little toddler. Here are a couple of pictures from earlier today. We spent the day in doors playing with dolls, books, and blocks.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bob is not the nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jillian Michaels and I have a meeting every morning in our living room. She kicks my rear 3-5 days a week. I love her DVD's and that "in your face" attitude she brings along with the workouts.

On the other hand, I've always thought of Bob Harper as the "nice one". Well was I wrong! We were at Target the other night, and I saw that one of his newest DVD's was on sale. I thought, oh what the heck, I'll try it. I actually had Tim pick between two DVD's because I couldn't decide. After popping it in the DVD player yesterday, and doing the 60 minute workout, I realized that I was more than a little wrong about the, "nice guy" attitude he presents. I actually cried working out yesterday morning. I have NEVER cried while working out.....NEVER. I cried four times during the course of the workout. I was shocked at how hard this circuit training DVD was.

If you are looking for a butt kicking workout, look no further. His DVD, the Inside out Method, is one of the best I've ever done. ...And don't be fooled...Bob Harper is definitely not the nice guy.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Some fun with my new camera!

For Christmas this year Tim surprised me with a new camera. ...and what a camera it is! I've had a blast taking pictures the last couple of weeks. There are so many different settings, and I'm sure it will take me quite a while to figure all of them out.

Coming from a family of photographers and taking photography myself (years ago), I've had that itch to start photographing again. I'm really looking forward to this summer, and all of the beauty that will come with it.

This afternoon I drove to the top of our hill, where the view is amazing to say the least. I took some pictures, and played around with some of the settings.

silhouette of Seattle and the Olympics.
This picture is just missing snow.