Sunday, April 26, 2009

One month going on 30....

Tessa turned one month on Thursday April 23. She has already changed so much. She has gained 2lbs, which puts her at the 8lb mark. She is smiling, holding her head up, and playing with her bright starts play center . She is also sleeping between 4 & 6 hours during the night.....which is nice for mommy!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bath time

Tessa didn't much care for her first bath, but she LOVED having her hair washed

Daddy's girl

Tessa sure loves her daddy!

We just can't get enough of her!!

Her first few days at home.....She is such a good baby!

She's here!!!!!

After being monitored for several day,s due to low amniotic fluid and decreased fetal movment, Dr. Wall decided it was time for Tessa to make her apperance. My induction was set for that same evening Wednesday the 25th of March. Tim and I spent our last evening without a baby having dinner with friends. We were checked into the hospital at about 10:00pm. I was started on pitocin at 1:30am. The Dr came in about 8:30am on March 26th and broke my water. I progressed throughout the day and then went from 6cm to 10cm in 20 minutes. I pushed for a little over an hour and at 6:31pm Tessa Mackenzie Bryan was born. She weighed 6lbs 4oz and was 18.5 inces long. She was just as healthy as could be. After a tough pregnancy, this was a much welcomed and easy delivery!!