Thursday, February 18, 2010

All of us at the zoo

Starting from the left: Robyn, her son Grady, and Ashley Grace on the way. Kim and her two boys Jake and Luke. Me and Tess. All of the kids were tired by the end of the day and not so excited about getting their pictures taken.

The Cougar Mtn Zoo

Tess and I have been taking advantage of all the sunshine lately. Today, we went with some friends to the Cougar Mtn Zoo. This zoo is so nice because it's not huge and there aren't a lot of people that are there during the day. They also have guides that take you around to the different exhibits.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tessa's First Valentines Day

Tessa's new green turtle. Tess got some Valentines money from Grandma and grandpa...this is what she bought with her money. As you can see, she absolutely loves it.
Tess had fun making her daddy a valentine
This is something new she learned and was kind enough to show the camera

Friday, February 5, 2010

taking a few steps...

Here is a video of Tess taking a few steps with the help of grandma and her aunt Becca.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A big week for Tess!

This has been a pretty eventful week for Tess. Not only did she take her first few steps this week, she also popped her first tooth...yes you heard me right....first tooth. We were really beginning to wonder if she even had any teeth. She's been teething on and off since she was 4 months. I always heard moms making such a big deal about their baby getting their first tooth. I used to say, "that's's just a tooth. They'll get a bunch more." Now that I'm a mom, and it's my baby who just got her first tooth, I can see why they made such a big deal about it. I'm a VERY proud momma!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

She's walking.....

Tess took her first step the other night. I missed it, but Tim didn't. Then today I put her down and she took a step. A few minutes later, she took 5 steps in a row. It's AMAZING how fast they learn! I'll try and post a video a little later.