This last weekend Tim, Tess, and I stayed up at my parents cabin with some great friends! The cabin is nestled in the Teanaway Valley right next to the Teanaway River. We had such a fun time! There's nothing like relaxing, eating, and playing up in the woods with fabulous company. The kids had a blast jumping into the cold pool, playing in the river, fishing, running around, feeding Jackson (the horse next door), and I can't leave out getting dirty.
We saw a lot of beautiful wildlife. In the evening, the deer would come down into the fields to munch on the grass. There were also fish, hawks, wild turkeys, owl's, and I can't leave out all of the grasshoppers the kids caught.
My parents have had the cabin for a few years now, and this was the first time we've made it over there for a weekend. Our friends, Rian, Shelly, and their three kids joined us.
Here are Tess and Lily watching a cartoon before dinner. Lily is one also. Her and Tess played hard and burned a ton of energy this weekend.

Here are the girls again....ready to get into some sort of trouble I'm sure...

Friday night we had a little Italian food and red wine. Not traditional camping food...but there were no tents.
Here are Haily and Cody enjoying their spaghetti by candle light.

Grandpa and Tess....Thanks Dad and Lorie for a great weekend!