Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A future mountian climber?
Our petite little Tessa has an obsession with shoes, purses, and climbing. She LOVES to climb. She will try to climb on anything she can. We have very high couches and chairs in our living room, so she's not able to get onto them without the help of mom, dad, or an object. The other day I went to the back room, for no more than 30 seconds, and came back out to find this (see picture below). Tess had somehow gotten onto the chair and then the window sill. I was unsure how she did it because the only toy I saw for her to stand on was her little piano. I was sure that there was no way she could have used it to get onto the chair. Well, last night Tim and I were in the living room. Tess had disappeared into her bedroom, and a few seconds later was pushing her little piano out into the living room. She pushed it all the way over to the chair. From there she climbed onto the piano, then onto the chair, and finally perched herself right on the window sill. Sometimes, she wayyyyyyyy to smart for her own good! :-)