Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Evergreen State Fair

Today we took a little trip up north to the Evergreen State Fair. We had a blast! It had been a while since we had been to a GOOD fair. We always go to the Puyallup Fair in September, but it's so big and very commercialized. The Evergreen Fair is more of a "good old home town fair" if you will. I grew up in a small town and enjoy the smaller fairs and so does Tim. This was Tessa's second time to a fair. She loved all of the animals, the petting farm, the food, the toys, and looking at all of the rides.

Here are my two favorite people watching one of the many cows eat.

A little unsure why mommy and daddy put her on a bundle of hay that looked like a cow...
She loved the chickens...and there were a ton of them

They had so many cute little animals to pet at the petting farm. These were the two baby goats we got to play with.
Watching the cow judging on daddy's shoulders