There is something majestic about living in the country...God's country. I have fallen in love with the way the sun reflects off of my girls faces, the smell of fresh air, the breeze that brushes my cheeks when I step outside, and my husband in cowboy boots. I cherish all of it, and sometimes, I still can't believe we are here. The girls and I have been taking long walks on warm days, we farm hay in the evenings, feed our chickens in the afternoon, and garden during the baby's nap time. Things have sure changed for our family over the last few months, and honestly, we are happier than ever.
Mothers Day this year was spent with my hubby, girls, mom, sisters, and brother. Amy and Tim planned and made brunch for us all. I usually spend Mothers Day at a spa, but this year, I just wanted to be with my family. Thank you for a very special Mothers Day!
A little piece of heaven out of our back door
Here is our finished chicken coop/run. One of Tessa's favorite parts of the day is feeding the chickens.
Lastly, I will leave you with a picture of Tessa's cat, Charlie. Needless to say, he loves pouncing in the hay fields.