Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A little of Janurary in pictures

As I find myself lagging farther and farther behind with blogging pictures, I'm realizing that I can't possibly fit in all the photos that I intended to.  So, in a last ditch effort to get a few pictures on the blog, I'll just post a few from each month
This is Jayda at 6 months.  Hard to believe this picture was taken almost four months ago.
Austin Texas is a beautiful city and very full of life and music.  People are so friendly down in Texas.  I never had to open my own door.  It didn't matter where we went, someone always held the door open for me.  Having lived in the Seattle area for over ten years, I can say that very rarely do pleople hold the door open for me or others. Seattle could learn a few lessons from Austin!

I got a lost in the stillness of the deep blue sky for a few minutes.....ok, it was more like a few seconds, and the stillness was interrupted by my three year old picking on her little sister.