We've been up to a lot these last few months. Here are some phone pics to prove it.
We've been canning....a lot of canning!

Most of our days, and evenings for that matter, are spent outside. We're lovin' all this hot and sunny weather!

This cute cafe in cashmere (weed's cafe) has a floor that is entirely made of pennies. ....and I thought I had a lot of pennies at the bottom of my purse.

We've had countless days spent playing with friends

Tessa has been in swim. I'm fairly certain this girl would live in the water if she was able.

Our garden took on a whole new look this year as it grew to just under a quarter acre. We've been enjoying, never ending, fresh salads.

We've had too many BBQ's to count

Enjoying sunsets like this

Ahhhh yes, and then there's Gage...such a good boy! Complements of Tess.