I'm finally getting around to our Christmas post! Christmas always seems to come and go so quickly. I hold onto it for as long as I can. Then the chimes of the new year remind me that I can't leave the Christmas decorations up all year. We slowly begin pulling them down and packing them in their boxes until next year. While I'm always sad to see the Christmas season end, I also look forward to a new year beginning. It's a bitter sweet
We had a special Christmas this year enjoying family, friends, the Christmas Eve candle light service, opening presents, eating lots of yummy food, and (most importantly) celebrating the birth of our Savior.
There are so many fun ideas out there for homemade gifts. I had a hard time choosing. These little guys were so much fun to make. I'm always looking for ways to use our old baby food jars too.
I guess my dad was a little tired from all the festivities
My dad wasn't the only tired one