Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The last piece to the puzzle....

Several months ago, I blogged about our journey in trying to find Tim's biological family.  Well, at the beginning of December the journey ended.  After 39 long years, Tim and his mom Johnene met for the first time.  What a journey it's been for us all.  We can't wait to share the story with you, but for now, this is a rather private family affair.  We are still trying to wrap our heads around what it all means.  While I enjoying blogging, there are just some things that are private, and for now, this is one of those things. 
I will say that it was wonderful being able to meet Tim's mom, sister, and nephew's. We are so grateful for the opportunity and for the Lords timing.
Tim and his mom....We love you mama!

Jayda and her cousin Malkia

Handsome young Skyler dressed up for church

Tessa had fun this year decorating herself instead of the tree

Tim and his sister Rose