As I sit here and type, it seems as though the world is still asleep around me. Tim just left for work, the house it still dark, the girls are tucked away in there beds, and all I can hear is the sound of my fingers on the key board.
As I was watching the girls play together the other day that old Amy Grant song "Oh How the Years Go By" popped into my head and stayed awhile. I just sat there day dreaming about our life and watching the girls grow up together. Then reality set back in as I smelled a poopy diaper and had to send Tess to time out for throwing her toys across the room. My goodness, time seems to slip by so much faster with two kids. Our babies are growing up. Jayda had her four month appointment this last week. I actually had to double check my calendar to make sure that I was calculating that right. Four months already? I still can't quite believe it myself! Anyway, her appointment went great. The girls have a fantastic pediatrician. Tess actually gets excited to go and see her.
Jayda's 4 month stats:
13lbs 3oz (50th percentile for weight)
25.5inches long (90th percentile for height)
She sleeps 12-14 hours a night (usually from 8pm-9am).
She's been teething like crazy...still no teeth though.
We started her on solids this last week. She LOVES it! I remember with Tess most of the food ended up on her face for the first few weeks. Not with this one.
She is a very relaxed and happy little girl. Both Tess and Jayda have such different personalities. Tess is most definitely a type "A" personality and Jayda is very much a type "B" personality
Jayda's sweet little smile lights up a room.
She loves her big sister. Both girls play very well together, which I'm sure will change in a few years if not sooner.
Little miss Jayda loves going on walks. Her eyes get so big as she takes in the world around her.
She still has acid reflux...poor little thing. She will most likely be on her medication for that until she turns one just like her sister was.
She is a happy and healthy little girl and for that we are very thankful.
All bundled up for our walk
I love fall sunsets
all finished with our walk and ready for bed
Her first solids