Not that any decisions must be made at this moment, because they don't, but the topic of having another baby is open for discussion in our home. Both Tim and I definitely wouldn't mind another baby! But do we really want to start over....again? Jayda has been such an easy baby. She sleeps through the night and has done so since she was two months old. She cries when she's hungry and that's the only time she really cries. The rest of her time is spent smiling, cooing, eating, and sleeping. Tessa on the other hand was a little more difficult. So, I guess the real question becomes are we just afraid of having a baby who's not quite as easy as Jayda has been. Regardless, it kind of feels like someone is still missing. It's kind of hard to explain, but it doesn't really feel like our family is complete. Anyways, more to come. Just wanted to jot down my thoughts tonight.