Monday, July 30, 2012

As this month is quickly approaching the end, I thought I should probably update you all on what we've been up to. 

Spending time with family and friends

Tessa spent a fun filled week at Vacation Bible Camp, and she loved every minute of it!

We have annual passes to the Cougar Mtn. Zoo.  This is one of our favorite zoo's, and we find ourselves there quite often.

Sidewalk paint is so easy to make, and it keeps tess entertained for hours.
-equal parts cornstarch and water
-food coloring

lounging with mom in the shade while big sister plays in the sun

 We spent this last week in Boise doing a little shopping and enjoying the warm sunny weather.  Let me just say for the record, I would move there in a heartbeat.  Boise is such a pretty city, it's clean, and very family oriented....I love it!

Here are the girls napping in the hotel room.