Monday, July 30, 2012

As this month is quickly approaching the end, I thought I should probably update you all on what we've been up to. 

Spending time with family and friends

Tessa spent a fun filled week at Vacation Bible Camp, and she loved every minute of it!

We have annual passes to the Cougar Mtn. Zoo.  This is one of our favorite zoo's, and we find ourselves there quite often.

Sidewalk paint is so easy to make, and it keeps tess entertained for hours.
-equal parts cornstarch and water
-food coloring

lounging with mom in the shade while big sister plays in the sun

 We spent this last week in Boise doing a little shopping and enjoying the warm sunny weather.  Let me just say for the record, I would move there in a heartbeat.  Boise is such a pretty city, it's clean, and very family oriented....I love it!

Here are the girls napping in the hotel room.


Hiking is one of our favorite things to do...especially during the summer and fall.  Little Jayda went on her first hike at 3 weeks old. 


Wow! I can't believe I'm 30....mostly because I still don't act like it.  :-)

I was lucky enough to be able to spend my 30th birthday with my family and new little girl.  Thank you everyone for making it such a special day!

The only thing I wanted for my birthday was an ice cream cake.  I lost track of how many pieces I had.  I just know that by the next day the other half of the cake was gone.

Tess and her cousin Chloe all snuggles up with grandma for storytime

Fun at grandma's

When I was a little girl. I would always look forward to visiting grandma and grandpa's house during the summer.  I can still remember the smell of the summer air and watching sunsets from the front deck.  I can remember fun filled nights watching "I Love Lucy" and eating my grandpa's butter drenched popcorn.  I remember laying in bed and taking naps while listening to the jets fly over the house.  memory after memory floods my mined as I think back on those lazy summer days. 

It warms my heart to see our little girl starting to build those memories of her own.  She loves visiting grandma's house in Wenatchee...and so do we!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Good bye June...Hello July

Wow!  Where has the time gone???  I know it sounds so cliche, but it's the truth.  This past month has flown by.  Blogging has not been in the forefront of my mind the last few weeks.  All of my time has been spent loving on our new little girl and Tess.  I love love love being a mom, and I have enjoyed this last month so very much!  It has been pretty amazing to see just how different our two girls are.  Jayda is one of the most laid back babies I've ever met.  Tessa is a great big sister and terrific little helper!

Let me just start off by saying that this girl can eat....she's got her mamma's appetite!  She is a great little sleeper and wakes only once in the middle of the night for a feeding.  She is such a happy little baby and loves being held.  We have all enjoyed this last month immensely as a family of four! I never thought I'd hear myself say these words, but here it goes...Jayda has been such an easy baby that we are already talking about baby #3.