Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Our babymoon!

After talking about going on a vacation for months, we finally decided on Chelan.  We really wanted to go to Hawaii to enjoy the warm sand and sun, but after some deep thought about it, neither of us felt good about flying the last two months of my pregnancy.  Hawaii will just have to wait until fall.  So, that left us with two options, either the coast or E. Washington.  With all of the rain we've had the last few weeks, we were set on E. Washington.  Tim makes it a priority to plan little getaways with just the two of us at least once every four months or so.  Thank you so much babe!  I had a blast!

We went to lunch on Saturday at a fabulous little Deli in Wenatchee

After dinner at Campbell's in Chelan, we walked over to Starbucks to enjoy the sunset and coffee.  Here's to us babe!