Sunday, March 11, 2012

One less unfinished project

You know those projects that you're always telling yourself that one day you'll get around to?  Well, I have several of those projects.  However, after today, I now have one less.  For the last few years, I have been wanting to make Tess a special keepsake box.  Now with our second little girl on the way, I thought I'd better get a move on it. 

Tim's dad built several of these great little boxes to hold his various collections in.  He gave them to Tim a few years ago.  They are absolutely perfect for keepsake boxes.  With a few added personal touches, the boxes are complete.  Jayda's box is still pretty empty, but Tessa's is now almost full.  I didn't realize how many of her little treasures I had saved over the last few years.  From a little lock of her curly hair, to her recent picture art, we will cherish her little trinkets until one day she's old enough to have them. 

"Daddy, you shaved.  You're face is soft."  Every time Tim shaves this is what Tess says, and she always wants to feel his smooth face.  One of the many daddy daughter moments I've grown to love and look forward to.