What a week it's been! 2012 hasn't exactly started out the way we anticipated, but that's life. There's nothing much we can do about it. I will say that God has been truly amazing, and He has never given us more than we can handle! Going through tough bumps in life always brings our family much closer, and for that I am thankful. On Christmas Eve we got a call that Tim's dad was in the hospital. As life would have it, we changed some of our plans and went down to see him. His dad was beginning to recover and was taken to an assisted living facility. We received a call late last week that he had been taken back to the hospital. Tim's dad is in stable condition for the time being. A few days before receiving that news, Tim's work computer was hacked into. Just to top off the week, we all came down with the stomach flu. ...and let me just say for the record, pregnancy and the flu don't mix well. We were all feeling much better by the end of the weekend, just in time for the beautiful snow. We did have the privilege of being able to play in the snow before it turned into ice. Our power went out yesterday morning and we made the most of the day. Our family, who lives two doors down, came over for a good ole' fashion camp out. Thank goodness for natural gas. We had hot water and a stove. I think to truly appreciate what we have, we need to have it taken away sometimes. Having the power go out wasn't all that bad. I must admit it was actually fun.

Tessa and her cousin Fi playing in the bath
Yeah, we really roughed it....we watched a movie on our portable DVD player in the candle light