What a fun weekend we had. We spent Saturday morning at the Sportsman Show. We watched a dog water competition, and Tess caught her first fish. Saturday night we headed over to a friend's house for dinner. Our friends have three little boys. Tess had such a fun time playing with them, and she sure knows how to hold her own.
My sweet girlfriend came to visit last week and brought me flowers. Thank you Heidi...they are beautiful! Gerber daisy's are my favorite.
It's been so fun working on crafts with Tess. Here are her Valentines we worked on this morning.
Tim and I don't get into Valentines Day. It's just not our thing. So, this year, since I'm a MOPS table leader, I thought it would be fun to make Valentines for the mom's at my table.
Tessa fishing with her daddy. Way to get your fish on girl!!!
Tessa catching her first fish with mommy.
Who needs the cookies when you can have the cookie dough...right.
Bath time was a great way to finish off a busy weekend. Tess, your dad sure knows how to make your hair look pretty.