Christmas is here and gone just like that. We spend so much time getting ready for this one day. Christmas is by far my favorite holiday for many reasons. We get to celebrate Jesus coming into this world, we are surrounded by family and friends, we spend countless hours in the kitchen baking, we get to put up beautiful decorations, we get to eat lots of really good food, we get to watch our baby girl love every minute of it, and we can't forget all of the Christmas music.
Christmas morning we spent at home opening presents, eating breakfast, and making fun memories! We headed to my dad and step mom's for brunch and then onto my aunts for dinner. A very busy day, but a very fun one!
She tore those presents open like a pro...

Opening her stocking from Santa

Christmas morning and our 2nd tree

Tess opening more presents...
Tessa and her cousin Ashton. My parents have this cute little bench in their living room for the kiddos. These two love to play on it.
Good morning princess...Merry Christmas

Thank for my new toys daddy

Tess loves dogs, and great grandma Calkins put a little toy puppy in her stalking this year. She wouldn't let it go all night.

I'm ready for more presents...