These last few weeks have been crazy busy for us. We've been traveling, sick, had weddings, bbq's, and much more. Since I haven't posted in a while, here are a few pics from the last few weeks.
Tess and I were sick with the flu for a good week. I got bored being stuck inside, so I made some crafts....which I haven't done since before Tess was born. I think the last thing I worked on was her picture book.

Tessa's first pet....a fish. We thought it high time Tess had a pet. One that was EASY to take care of. We got her a Betta fish. She loves watching him swim and feeding him.

A few weeks back, we took a short two day trip to Portland. Tess found a little hiding place in the room. She was very proud of herself I might add.

After playing in the sun all day, Tess was covered in sunblock. Tim and I took advantage of it on her head and thought she needed a Mohawk...well, until bath time rolled around anyways.