Wednesday, August 19, 2009


On August 10th 2009 Roosevelt Hunter lost his battle with cancer. Roosevelt was a Christian motivational speaker, comedian, author, and teacher who loved God and people. He was in the prime of his life. He left behind a beautiful wife and two children. It's during times like this that I wonder why God would allow things like this to happen.....especially to a man who was teaching about God, who was so young, who had a wife, who had kids.....why?? I always come back to the same answer.....I don't know. I've lost many friends and relatives over the years to car crashes and cancer. I always ask why, and I always come up with this same answer....I don't know. What I do know is that God calls us to trust Him with all of our hearts...not matter what! I may never know why some things happen. I may think things are unfair. I maybe scared about the economy. I may lose a friend. I may lose a family member. I may watch someone around me in pain. I may face heartach. In the midst of fear and the unknown, I find a peace in knowing that Jesus is in control. He already knows what's going to happen. While we can see 10 feet in front of us. God can see 10 miles. Nothing happens to us without God knowing first. So, even though I may never be able to answer the question of why, I can still have a peace in knowing that God does know why and that's all that matters! I just need to trust in Him and He will take care of the rest!!

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."

This is Tim's favorite verse. This verse has really grown on me over the years too. It's brought both of us through some hard times and will continue to be an ancher for our family.