Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our first harvest!

11 tons of hay. Cut, flipped, bailed, harrowed, stacked, and under tarps!  Still hard to believe we're hay farmers.


As soon as we were finished and the hay was being stacked, we turned around and saw this beautiful rainbow.  Thank you Lord for how you have worked all things together for us with our new home and crop.  Everything that we have belongs to the Lord.  We are just His stewards. It was by faith we got to where we are, and it will be by faith that we continue this journey we are on.  God is in control, not us.  This rainbow was a reminder for both Tim and I of God's promises to us and how much He loves us.  Thank you Lord!

This last week

The last several days have been rather busy in our house with harvesting hay, but that doesn't mean we haven't had some time for fun too.
It only took us four months, but we finally got around to draining and cleaning the hot tub.  I think the girls have been enjoying it more than Tim and I.

I remember the first time I was able to put Tessa's hair up.  Now her hair is long and full of curls.  This last week I put Jayda's hair up for the first time.  

My baby sister graduated High School this last week.  We headed over to Wenatchee last weekend to celebrate.  Congrats Bekah!  

Here are a few more pictures from Jayda's 1st birthday!

Along with living in E. Washington comes lots and lots of sunshine. We've been spending most days outside enjoying it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Today my baby turns 1!

Today my sweet little Jayda Faith turns one year old.  I still can't believe it!  Yeah, I know it sounds a bit cliche, but it's the truth.  I remember at this moment last year I was in labor.  I can remember how bad those contractions were beginning to hurt.  Tim and my mid-wife, Stacey, were rubbing my back to ease the pain.  I know it may sound crazy, but a big part of me actually enjoyed my labor. 
Now it's hard to believe that my little baby is a whole year older today. She's climbing onto anything she can muster up the courage to. I think I've chased her up the stairs a thousand times already. In true girl fashion, she's already talking up a storm.  She says: up, dada, mom, mama, ba ba, bye bye, hi, kitty, ball, and deer.  The last word makes her daddy very happy.  She has a ton of energy just like her big sister.  This girl won't hold still.  She is still very content, unless she's hungry. She's in the 75th percentile for height, which comes as no surprise to us.  She is timid and shy when meeting new people, yet she's independent.  She has a very sweet and gentle little spirit, and is very cuddly, which I hope she never grows out of.
In celebration of our little Jayda turing one, we had a big BBQ last weekend.  Actually, we had a joined BBQ because we were also celebrating Tim's 40th.  I love you both so so much! 
Happy Birthday Jayda Faith!!!

 Cousin Fiona who just turned two

Our New Home

Alright, I'm a little behind in getting these posted, but here are the pictures of our new house.  Let me rephrase that here are the pictures of the inside of our new house.
Our living room 

The living room looking to the upstairs
My white country kitchen

Our dining room

Front entry

 I've had a lot of fun decorating the girl's bedrooms.  I've had my hands full of fun little projects.
I made each of them little coat racks.  This was one of the easiest crafts I've done, thus far.  I just took an old 2 by 4, painted it, embellished a little, and added some cute handles.
Here's another one of my recent projects.  My mom gave us an old dresser.  My intention was to sand it and paint an off white.  However, after sanding the dresser, I liked the aged look better.  So, instead of re-painting it an off white, I just highlighted the sanded/aged sections by adding a bit of dark paint to give emphasis on the distressed look.  I still haven't added the handles.  I'm just happy to finally have a dresser in Jayda's room.

This is Tessa's room

Both girls have a cute little window seat in their room.

This is one of the upstairs windows looking to our backyard