Actually, she's seven months now. I'm writing this post a little late. Our beautiful little Jayda Faith is growing so fast. It feels as though she's growing at twice the rate her sister did. She is healthy and happy.
Her six month stats:
50th percentile for weight
75th percentile for height
She says; mama, dada, baba, nana, yaya....quite the talker just like her big sister.
This girl is very content so much of the time, and she likes just about anything. The only time she really gets mad and cries is when she's hungry....I guess she takes after her mama on this one. :-)
She watches everything her sister does with amazement. You can almost see those little gears spinning in her head. She's right on the verge of crawling. You know it's funny...when Tess was this age, I was so exciting for all of those big milestones. I could hardly wait to see the next one. This time around, I'm wanting Jayda to stay at the stage she's at for a little longer. I really don't want her crawling quite yet. Maybe it's because I don't know if she's our last or not, and I don't want the baby stage to pass too quickly. Maybe it's because I know what happens when they start crawling, or maybe it's a little bit of both. Whatever the reason, I'm hoping she holds off on growing up a little longer. :-)
Happy half of a year you sweet little thing! We love you!