Monday, February 28, 2011

Another short road trip

I love going on short road trips with Tim and Tess.  We went down to Vancouver on Sunday/Monday and had fun playing as a family.  Vancouver is a pretty city...even in the rain.

So curious about everything...I love it!

Grandma Time

My mom came over this last week.  It was so much fun being able to spend time with just us three girls.  I love you mom, and I'm so thankful for you!  Tessa said to tell you that she loves you too!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Growing up a little too fast!?!?!?

What's this.....I guess it is still winter

.....and just when I was getting ready for spring

What an amazing husband I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sweet and wonderful husband drew me a bath tonight with candles and lavender oil.  Thanks babe!  It was just what I needed.

Sights that made me smile this week

This week we took a short two day trip down to Oregon.  The weather gave us a little taste of everything on the way down and on the way back.  Despite all of the rain and snow, the sun did make an appearance.   

  ....not sure what it is about seeing boats on the water, but it is always so peaceful to me.

So serene!

It's not every day that you see Donald on the back of a truck.  He looks kind of mad doesn't he!?  I promise, we didn't cut him off.  :-)

Tim will be the first tell you that I tend to take pictures of very random things. The top of this old bridge caught my eye.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy 18th Brittany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe my little cousin is 18.  Happy Birthday Girl!!!  Enjoy every minute of your special day.  We love you!!!


A weekend together

Like many other people, I always look forward to the weekends.  Tim is home from work, and we can play together as a family. 

What a sweet daddy/daughter picture.  I love to step back and capture moments like this one.

It is so fun and relaxing to sit back and watch movies as a family.  Just throw in a little popcorn, and we're set.  

What's a weekend without a little pizza. 

Friday, February 18, 2011


Have you ever taken the time to stop and notice all of the expressions that a child makes?  For me, it is absolutely heart warming to sit back and watch all of Tessa's expressions.  Each expression tells a story, and they all make me smile.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just have to give a shout out to my Grandpa and friend Jenni

Happy V-Day

Even though Tim and I don't get into Valentines Day, we wanted to make it special for Tess!

We even got our toes done for the special occasion

heart shaped toast for our little Valentine

And she did it!

It has been six days since we started potty training, and I can say, with confidence, that our almost two year old is potty trained (during the day).  I figure we'll tackle the "over night" in another week or so.  She goes both #1 and #2 in her potty chair.  The first day wasn't bad, the second day was the hardest, and from there each day has gotten a lot easier.   She tells us when she needs to go to the bathroom now, and we take her.  I'm so proud of her.  I was torn about when to start the whole potty training thing.  I liked that I didn't have to worry about her needing to go potty in the middle of traffic, or trying to find a bathroom at the mall.  Both selfish reasons...I know.  The other side of me didn't want to change a toddlers poopy diaper!  When Tess started bringing me a diaper/wipe and would tell me when she went to the bathroom, I figured she was ready.  It wasn't planned, but last Tuesday I just decided not to put a diaper back on Tess, and the rest is history.

Reading a book in her cute little underpants

She now has too many pairs of underwear to count

When Tess goes to the bathroom in her potty chair, we give her M&M's or bubbles.  

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Yum Yum

I love Saturday mornings. Tim makes breakfast with Tess, so I can sleep in.
They made yummy homemade pancakes and eggs.  When I came out to get breakfast, this is what I found.  I couldn't help but take a picture....kind of looks like we had a guest for breakfast...before we ate him. 

It was a good weekend for cooking and baking.  In other words, it was cool and rainy outside.  I finally got around to making Valentines cookies.  I'd been wanting to make them all week, but didn't have the time. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Soaking up our Vitamin "D"

As I've said many times before, when the sun is out, here in Seattle we take full advantage.  Yesterday we did just that!

This picture of Tess says it all for me.  She looks like such a little girl.  I was going through her baby cloths last week and can't believe how tiny she was.  It seems like they grow up over night.