Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fox Hollow

Today we went to Fox Hollow Farm with some friends. Tess met Bennett for the first had been way too long since Julie and I had seen each other. The kids had fun and got dirty to prove it. This little farm is great for kids. They had goats, chickens, chicks, ducks, sheep, horses, pigs, and lots more. All of the animals were "kid friendly."

This was Tessa's favorite animal by far.

Bennett and Tess watching one of the horses eat
Tess didn't care much for the sheep and pigs.

Tessa's new friend, Bennett

Tess wondering how to get a hold of the baby chicks.

The birthday princess

Ok, these are the last birthday pictures. I've posted a ton, but I just can't help myself. It was my baby's 1st birthday.

Her birthday crown
These pictures were all taken on the day of her birthday. So pretty in pink.

She carries her blanket all over the's pretty cute.

Good morning birthday girl

This is the only picture not taken on her birthday. She's helping daddy carry his lunch to the door.

Tessa's one year stats

Tess had her one year appt yesterday. It went great...she was even a big girl while she got her vaccines, and got to pick out a sticker at the end.

Weight: 18lbs 2oz. She's in the 10%. The Dr. didn't seem too worried because she's a little mover.

Height: 30inches. She is in the 75-90% for height. Tall and skinny!

Words: She said "hi baby" a few weeks back for a day. She hasn't really said it since. She will say mama, dada, nana, hi, bye, and she babbles all the time....she's definitely a girly girl.

Favorite things to do: She loves the water and talking baths, She's pretty fawned of her pink soccer ball, she enjoys going on walks, and really likes to people watch, she's big on books, and really likes her play dates.

Tess is little miss independent and wants to try everything by herself. It's pretty cute! She loves to explore...what child doesn't. She just got her second's about time. She eats pretty much everything we eat...only in smaller portions of course. Her new favorite part of the week are Fridays. I take her to a story toddler time at the library. It's great for her. They sing, dance, read, play with toys, and at the end they fill the room with bubbles for the kids to pop.

I think her very favorite part of the day is when her daddy comes home from work. She get so excited when the door opens, and she runs right over to him. I know that's the favorite part of my day too.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Tessa!

Tessa turned one on March 26th. Over this last week, I had been replaying her birth story though my head over and over and over. In the week leading up to her birth, we experienced a few minor complications. Tess was always kicking and squirming while she was in my stomach. During the course of that week she really wasn't moving much. The doctor asked that I come in to be monitored, and to find out what was going on. After being monitored and having several ultrasounds, they found that there wasn't much amniotic fluid, which explained Tess not moving as much. On Wednesday the 25th we went to see Dr. Wall, a perinatologist, in Bellevue. He decided that Tess would be much healthier outside of "mom's stomach". We were told that we were going to be induced at 11:00pm that night. Tim and I spent our, last baby free, evening with friends eating dinner. We came home, packed, and just waited. We were way too wired to sleep or even just relax. A nurse from the hospital called and told us that our room was available early. So, being the patient people we are (yeah right...I'm the least patient person I know) we threw are bags in the car and headed up to Overlake to have our little girl. I was started on pitocin at about 2:00am or so. I didn't really start contracting until my Dr. came in at 8:00am Thursday morning and broke my water. I received my epidural about mid morning. By 3:30pm I was dilated to 6cm. To my surprise, a half hour later, I was at 10cm and ready to push. I pushed for about an hour and half, and we welcomed Tessa Mackenzie Bryan into the world at 6:31pm on March 26th of 2009. I have to admit that the labor was the best part of my whole pregnancy. I would do that part all over again in a heartbeat. Being so sick for my entire pregnancy is a whole other story.

This last year Tim and I have learned SO much and have grown so incredibly close. I can speak for both of us when I say that raising a child is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding things we've ever done. God has blessed us in so many ways this last year! Words can't even begin to describe how very thankful we are for our little girl and each other. It has been such a joy to watch Tim and Tess together. She's definitely a daddy's girl. He is an amazing dad with an overflowing love for his two ladies. Tim and Tess have their special daddy/daughter time every night. Tim feeds her, rocks her, and prays with her. As a mom, it fills my heart with warmth to see them bonding together like this.

Being the type "A" personalities we are, we have definitely had to do some readjusting. Being a parent has also taught us that you can't plan for everything, and sometimes it's better to just go with the flow.

We celebrated Tessa's birthday last weekend with family and friends. We are so thankful to have such a wonderful support system in raising our little girl.

Here's to one of the best years of our life with many more to follow!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Last Chance photos

I had to sneak in a few more pictures of Tess before she turns one tomorrow.

I've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the opportunity to put Tessa's hair up. This last week I was able to put her first bow in....she finally had enough hair. I couldn't' t help but take a ton of pictures...don't worry, I didn't post all of them.

She LOVES her pink soccer ball....

One more pic of her cute little bow....I couldn't help myself and probably took 30 pictures of her hair.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tessa's Birthday Party

Tessa's official birthday isn't until March 26th. We had her birthday party this last Saturday though. We still can't believe she's almost one. She is such a joy and makes us smile all of the time. She was very spoiled for her birthday and is having so much fun with all of her new toys.

Tessa's new sunglasses...she's ready for the beach!
We were expecting a huge mess with the cake....she's such a lady though

Singing happy birthday

It's been somewhat of a tradition in our family for the birthday girl to get "birthday jewelry" Tessa's aunt Amy made sure she got some.

Tim and I with our (not so little) baby

A few more pics from Arizona

This was the last day we were in Arizona. We had so much fun and can't wait to go back. This is a picture of us with my grandparents and Tessa's great grandparents.

Tessa with great grandpa, grandma, and we can't forget Missy

My sis and grandparents at the game in Tucson

My Cousin Kelsey, her fiance Billy, and my sis Amy

My sis Stephanie, Aunt Terry, and my uncle Mike

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A few more pics of us at the game

Enjoying the game...

.....and sun
There will be more pictures to follow....I took a ton!!

Ball game in Tucson

Trying to push her stroller
Mariners vs. the Rockies......we lost... :-(

All of the seats were great seats though

Me and my man!

Family portrait

Just hanging out

The sisters also came down to Arizona
"These boots are made for walking"......
Missy wanted just a taste
Tess and great grandpa

Enjoying the fire at night

More fun in the sun pics

My grandparents have a dog named Missy. Tess loved playing with her.
Cute little toes
Great grandma bought Tess a little pool

Playing in the water

Fun in the sun

Say cheese... We stayed with my grandparents who live in Mesa. They have a great backyard and Tess had so much running around and getting into everything she could find.

More pics of the Zoo

The Phoenix Zoo is one the top 5 in the nation. It is a beautiful zoo and I would love to go back next time we're down there. It is huge, and there is sooooo much fun stuff for kids.

This is a picture of a pretty plant....there were several different tropical plants and flowers along the trails.

A huge turtle

Tess had a hay day with the flamingos

The Family
Tired after a long day