Thursday, December 31, 2009


My cousin Ryan got engaged this afternoon. His new fiance is Brittany. Congrats Ryan and Brittany!!! Way to bring in the new year.

9 months

Tessa turned 9 months old last weekend. It's amazing how fast she's growing and much she has learned in the last few months.

She is almost 27.5 inches tall.
She weighs in at a whopping 16.6lbs. She's on the tiny side, but so was I at her age.....
She is crawling and pulling herself up onto everthing
She is walking with the help of furniture and standing on her own for a few seconds at a time
She says dadada, mamama, bababa, nanana
She loves to eat what mommy and daddy eat....she tries to eat anything she can find on the floor
She's full of smiles and is such a happy little girl
Her new favorite things are dogs and dancing to music....she loves music

This year has flown by! Tim and I couldn't be more happy with the new addition to our family! Tess has added so much joy to our lives. Every day she does something new and exciting. We are looking forward to the new year and all the many memories it will bring. God has blessed us in so many ways this year, and we are so very grateful for all of our friends and family.

May God bless each one of you this new year!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tessa's first Christmas

This year for Christmas we went to Wenatchee. I grew up in Wenatchee and love to go back every chance I get.....and to my benefit Tim has also fallen in love with the town. This was such an extra special Christmas with our new addition. Tess had a blast opening presents, being spoiled by her aunts and uncle, playing with her new favorite dog, getting into everything, eating cookies, playing with new toys, and of course hanging out with grandma and grandpa. I know Tess won't remember her first Christmas, but Tim and I will....and what a wonderful memory!!

Even Lucy was tired after all the presents were opened

My beautiful sisters and too many presents to count

Tess with her new doll

Trying to open her new music book

Having fun with the wrapping paper

more fun trying to open her presents

Tessa's stocking from Santa

Tess with her grandma.....she loves to play with grandma!

The museum

On Christmas Eve morning we took a trip to the museum in Wenatchee. I always loved going to the museum when I was young. I hadn't been in years, and thought it would be fun to go. We had a great time...even Tess.

Playing with the dog

Tess LOVES dogs. She couldn't get enough of my parents dog during Christmas!

Standing by herself on Christmas Eve

Tess stood for the first time by herself on Christmas Eve. She stands all the time with the help of chairs, the couch, tables, toys, etc.....but this time, it was by herself. Tim was behind her waiting to play catch just in case.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Neighborhood get together

Every year our neighborhood has a fun holiday event. They have a live nativity with a Camel, sheep, and a few other small animals. They also have cookie decorating, crafts, story time with Mrs, Clause, hayrides, and of course Santa Clause. We had fun, but didn't stay too long this year because it was a balmy 16 degrees outside.

The hayride...which we didn't go because it was too cold.

Tess with her daddy all bundled up

A little unsure about Santa Clause

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tessa and her friends

Tessa and Grady sharing a book

My girlfriends Kim and Robyn came over today. Kim has two boys, and this is Lukas who just turned 10 weeks.
This last weekend Tim and I went over to our friends house. This is Anna who loved playing with Tess.

busy, busy, busy

During the holidays I love to bake more than normal. This last week Tess has helped me make bread, pies, cookies, rolls..... She loves to sit and watch the mixer. She also loves to chew on the spoons.

Her favorite spatula
This picture was taken over at my parents house. They have two dogs. Tessa loves animals...especially dogs.

Tess has been pulling herself up on anything she can. This is her new favorite toy.